[vc_row css_animation=”slideInUp”][vc_column][section_title title=”About Us”]At Dots in Blue we design Love and make it Larger than life. To do that we have to break a lot of rules, run day and night and enjoy the food.[/section_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css_animation=”slideInLeft” width=”7/12″][vc_column_text]At DOTS in BLUE, we don’t consider this the digital age — that’s too simple. This is the age of connection. It means more than a plug and a modem — person to person, device to device, brands to content and back to people, the world is becoming increasingly more interwoven in ways we have yet to even realize.

In the connected age, brands need partners with a commitment to strategy and making, the ability to pivot like a startup while constantly striving to create the connections that provide the most sustained value for its clients.

While the design, technology and communication industries have been circling each other for years, we challenge ourselves to create work that addresses all three with equal fluency. We start by asking the right questions, not by focusing on tactics or campaigns. Our approach is grounded firmly in the brand values, business goals, consumer behavior and cultural context in which our clients operate.

Once we’ve identified that core creative strategy, our work can come to life in any number of executions. We focus on the point at which digital/Print helps people interact with brands and businesses, whether that is the visual design, the messaging and content, or the actual interface of a product, application or service. By listening to how our work is received, to how people react to it or use it, we’re able to constantly iterate and improve the experiences we create.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column css_animation=”none” width=”5/12″][skills][bar title=”Print Media”][bar title=”Social Media” value=”95″][bar title=”Website & Apps” value=”90″][bar title=”Outdoor Media” value=”90″][bar title=”Store Branding” value=”70″][bar title=”3D Signboard” value=”70″][bar title=”Design Studio” value=”100″][bar title=”Creative” value=”100″][bar title=”Printing” value=”100″][bar title=”Media Buying” value=”70″][/skills][/vc_column][/vc_row]